What is ENS and why is it important?

ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) is a method used to help puppies develop improved responses to stress later in their lives. It involves daily applying gentle stressors to the puppies from days 3-16 of their lives. The benefits of ENS are:  

1. Improved cardiovascular performance (heart rate)

2. Stronger heartbeats

3. Stronger adrenal glands

4. More tolerance to stress

5. Greater resistance to disease


What is ESI and why is it important?

ESI (Early Scent Introduction) is a program used to enhance puppies' ability to identify and react to scents. This is not only helpful in hunting dogs but can be very beneficial to any potential therapy or service dogs. When puppies are born, their eyes do not open until they are close to 2 weeks old and their ears don't open until closer to 3 weeks! We take advantage of their ability to smell from the time they are born by helping them to develop and hone their smelling skills through ESI.